
Minda's Story Part 12

We are now back home(which I am not to happy about). Parrot was flying around the living room and Alice was trying to get her down. Of course Parrot wouldn't come down until I walked into the room and nearly tackled me down. Toramorrow was school. Whoopie freakin do. Usaual start. Uniform on, hair brushed, teeth brushed, ears and tail tucked away, then where off. Went to go check on Cross on break period let me just say one thing. BIG MISTAKE!

Cross was in room 204 (which was the sceince room). I peeked though the glass window that was on the door. Him and a brown haired girl where talking about something. Cross stood and shook her hand poleitly. Then she pinned min on the wall. I was in a defense stance ready to open the door. The girl kissed him on the lips and the worst part was is that he kissed her back!

Ok this is the part of the story where I call Cross a big traditor.

I quickly let go of the doorknob and ran to the bathroom shutting the stall door behind me. I felt like I was going to upchuck. Then I checked in the mirror my face looked like someone sucked all of the color out.



  1. *fran beats cross with a baseball bat* Fran:How dare you!!!

  2. this is the part where I kill cross right?....plz!
