
Minda's Story Part 4

Sitting in our cages again Cross and I holding hands once again. Clear day today since we got to train outside today. Oh how I really wished we could live outside this lab. The soft green grass the clear, blue, wavey water. But now that I think about it lab life here wasn't so bad with Cross here with me. Speaking of Cross he got a different shhot then me today although we aren't sure what we got. I begain thinking until Mr.Jingle Pants ruined it by dangling the cage keys around. So we got out again and explored again but this time we found the door keys. We where goin sneak out into the lab hallways and explore but a white coat was coming. Thanks to our cat ears we could hear them coming down the west hallway. We quickly struggled and fought to get into our cages before they got here. And we did! We pretended to sleep as the checked on us.

When they left we got back up and got out of our cages once again! This time we where so happy to get to the door I think we would of threw up. We tip toed out of the room and went down the west and east hallways hiding from white coats when they came down the halls. I always giggled after they left out of our hearing distance. Eventually, we had to go back to our room near dawn. The only way we knew it was dawn was because of the windows letting the orange rays bursting out of the darkness.

As we went back into our cages I giggled to myself again. Oh the fun we would have after the white coats left the next day. Thats all I could think about as I drifted to sleep.

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