
Minda's Story Part 17

Once the meeting ended I talked to Parrot to get everything out you know I never thought she should understand it anyways. She just nodded like a little girl should at least at her age. Mid-night came around and I told out plan to run away which she quickly understood. She was going to help us in the morning to leave we would have one last breakfeast together before leaving. Which was fine by me one more hot meal before we go.

Woke up put on my favorite outfit and trotted downstairs to see everyone ready which made me feel like a spring daisy. The whole morning was full of crammed mouthfuls,nagging,and laughing. Hey you out there take a guess on whats going to happen next. I'll give you some time to think about it.

Alright times up.

After everything was done and we where starting to head off the white coats showed up. Why can't they leave us the heck alone! Ryo growled and stepped infront of me to protect me.

"Split!" Just one word the gang was split and running past the white coats heading for the cave. Did I mention I love being part cat? Well I do. I got past them easyly and they couldn't keep up with us I was sort of glad I had the maze training now. I lost the white coats half way though the maze like forrest and was the second to arrive in the cave.

Of course Parrot beat me hello wings!

When everyone arrived I counted heads to be sure and Cross stared at Ryo. Did they hate each other? And Why was I talking to myself again? The world may never know.

1 comment:

  1. don't feel bad M! i talk to my self all the time! (E- *in background signaling to run*)
