
Minda's Story Part 21

We where all in our cells handcuffed to the bars of our prison. I growled at the men in white coats as they went by. They poked us with needles all day long. It hurt and whatever was inside those needles burned like hell. I hissed and snarled at them always putting up a fight no matter what they did to me. I wouldn't dare let them see me crack and the group followed my example.
"Give this one the red shot." A white coat and the other one nodded. Enough was enough. The man leaned his hand toward me and I bite him nice and hard. He started to bleed and I tasted it in my mouth. The white coat smacked me hard and another white coat smacked him harder then that man smacked me. The white coat that smacked the other looked strangely fimilar.
"Don't hit the subjects." Awhile after most of the white coats left expect for the one that hit the other one. I watched him closely. He made a hand motion that I usually make to tell the group "I'll be back".
After that he smiled at me and left the room. The lights went out and I cried silently to myself.
Ryo where are you?

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