
Minda's Story Part 1

It was cold and dark. A small flicker of light from a beat up lamp was the only light in this horriable place. The metal bars where like ice against my hands. Would i ever get out of here? Who knows. The lab door swung open to showing the white coated men. I was their test subject Number 1001010 or as I have named myself Minda. A strange name I know but I like it. The men come with needles to poke me and infuse awful things into my skin. Life here was terriable and scary. A living nightmare every single day of my life. Oh how I wished I could escape this place. The nightmares never seemed to end here. In a cage beside me was a Number 227813 or as he called himself Cross. He was the only freind I had here. I hated all of the damn sciencetist here. So did Cross. We where cage budies. When the scienceist left we would always talk about things and the world outside this wicked lab. When we where scared from "storms" outside we would hold hands to try to comfort one another. Did I mention we are only nine years old. Thats right cat genes in us able to hear excellently and able to catch mice so easyly it was just plain scary.

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