
Minda's Story Part 2

The men left the room after our daily protein shoot. Cross looked over at me and nodded.

"They are gone finally." He said then he reached his hand out of his cage and I did the same and we held hands. It was the only thing in this world that kept me at peace. Cross has silver hair with jade green eye but he is extremely pale like me. We are only let outside one hour a week the rest of the time we are in a inside training in the test room. Cross looked at me and smiled. I smiled back at him. This was the only time we could ever be happy. For soon the "white coats" would be back and take us to the test room. We disconnected hands and sat in the middle of our cages and waited for our side splitting pain course run to begain. Soon enough there where the white coats ready and waiting to take us to our run. On the the way there me and Cross said a good luck wish to each other and held hands for awhile.

They lead us to a white covered room with a white walled maze. Cross went first they hooked a black machince to his left arm and a handhuff like thing on his right leg.

"See you at the other end." Thats all he whispered to me before he was off in the white maze. I was next and they did that same thing to me that they did to Cross. Then i was off, twisting and turning with the maze until I saw Cross at the end and ran faster to meet him.

"Impressive four point three seconds." A white coat remarked to the others. Cross high fived me behind their backs. We held hands all the way back to our room.

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