
Minda's Story Part 3

Back in our rooms again listening to the pitter patter of rain on lab roof. Its quite peaceful really. Well it was until the thunder blast and I jumped up in my cage and Cross noticied. Cross gripped my hand and gave me a resuring smile. I smiled and I knew that everything was ok again. Cross jingled keys in his hands and smiled again. He unlocked his cage and he unlocked mine. He grabbed my hand and motioned me to come out and of course I did. We danced and pranced around the room not caring if the white coats heard us. We where free for the first time in our lives. We kept dancing for awhile then checked out the room we where trapped in. The only thing worth wild in that room was some dusty old book and a test tube named "Blood". Whatever that thing is.

Another thuder blast crackled and roared in the background . I nearly lept out of my skin hearing it. Cross held me in his arms until I stopped shivering. I blushed alittle although I really don't know why. We knew it was nearly sunup since the lamp seemed to dim more. We started to part but I didn't want to. I gripped his red shirt tugging on it. Cross smiled happily and he let me into his cage. He leaned on the bars of the cage and I slept beside him resting my head on his shoulder and then I drifted to sleep. The next morning the white coats came in and split us up which I wasn't to happy about. The next day was the same as all other days eat,train,shoots,train again,eat one last time then sleep.

The day to our escape would be soon.

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