
Minda's Story Part 10

The whole week we where practicing looking human, reveiwing info we learned (which was a waste of time really), and proper manners (ew). So the moment of truth came. We where walking down the sidewalk in our dull (not really), black and white uniforms. The shirt, skirt, and pants where black with a thin white strip across the elbow part of long sleeve shirt. Parrot was off at the smaller school.

Oh god I was nervous. A football was thrown at me spiraling out of control. I was in a defense position and was ready to punt that thing more then a football player ever could. Ryo jumped up and caught it with his left hand alone. I was surprised, but what could I expect from a half human half dog boy.

"Wow man hey bring it back will you." One of the players called to him. Which of course he did the football players surrounding him and talking to him. I smiled and Cross held my hand hiding it between the two of us. I couldn't help but blush abit. I mean we've held hands before but that was at the lab no one looking at us, now we where amoung others. I quickly let go of his hand and ran to the schools entrance. Cross was there in the middle of the school yard looking kinda shocked and confused. I was heading for my first class still embressed about the the whole hand holding thing.

All the classes were intersting. Science animals, Lauage Arts poems, Social Studies the Dark Ages, and lastly Math. Ryo was in my class thank god. It was so refreshing seeing someone I knew.

"Alright class how do you find the area of a simi-circle?" Asked the blonde haired teacher. I glanced around the room no one raised their hand. So I raised mine.

"The forumla is one half times the radis of a circle time pi." The teachered smiled gleefully.

"Yes thats correct." I swear the others in this class are a bunch of idiotic, low brained, morans. Once the final bell rang I was out of there, Ryo walked out with me. Cross was surrounded by abunch of girls. I waved to him and left to go get Parrot.

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