
Minda's Story Part 9

"You will start school next week. Cross, Minda, and Ryo you all will be in the same type of classes. Parrot sweety you'll be in a different school." School what was that? If it was anything like the lab, I would go crazy. But for now I was going to enjoy being away from the lab. I went to the backyard of the house and decided to play around abit. My black flats shoes crunched and crumbled the leaves beneth them. I remember the day at the lab where we switched out clothes. They would all look like real kids clothes decent at that. At least we looked like normal kids and not some lab rat kids.

I climbed a big sturdy tree and sat on one of the branches my tail dangling and swaying about. By now I think you all have forgotten that me and Cross are part cat, Ryo a dog, and Parrot a bird (duh). I stared at the pond which seemed like a lake. It really was quite peaceful here. Cross tapped my shoulder making me jump.

When I jumped I was in Cross's lap. Literally! I wanted to kill Cross right now. We both jumped down from the tree (landing on our feet of course).

"You scared the heck out of me you know I could have-" Cross pulled me toward him and hugged me tightly and whispered in my ear.

"We're free." I just smiled and hugged him back he was right.

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