
Minda's Story Part 8

I looked in the mirror and there I was but fourteen! I screamed horrorified. I ran out of my room still screaming in the hall then back into my room shutting the door loudly behind me. I looked down to see my blue-green dress tight against me and its end way above my knees. I got out of my dress (by cutting myself out)and went to the slide closet. I quickly changed into a long sleeve black shirt and plaid red skirt.( Yes I have undies on ok!) I stumbled out of the room and quickly dusted myself off.

Ryo was out looking my age with a red "Bite Me" shirt on,ripped jeans,and black tennis shoes. Parrot came out looking sevenish with a pretty pink dress on. Last was Cross. He looked fiffteen his silver hair barely laying over his eyes. He wore a brown jacket, a plain orange, blue jeans (unfolded), and navey blue tennis shoes.

He was now taller then me, we used to be the same height. I didn't like it one bit.

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