
Minda's Story Part 7

We bounced up and down while the co. worker was driving down a bumpy country gravel road.

Lanes if trees lined the sides of the farm. We where now at the co.workers's house. It was large and a nice shade of light blue. We all ohed and awed once we got inside. It was so much better then the lab. Earthy smells floated everywhere.

"I'm Alice. I've brought you all here to live normal lives." She stated hanging up her coat on a wooden hanger thing. The thought of it was just amazing. Cross squeezed my hand harder. I had forgotten me and Cross where holding hands. Alice set some red liquid on the table for us to drink. Cross let go of my hand and gripped his shirt and (very) faded jeans tightly. Ryo sniffed it, he gave us a look signaling it was ok to drink.

"Its Kool-aid." Alice explained. We all drank it taking a chair to sit at the table. "Now we need to change you all so they won't recognize you." We all went wide eyed. More shots. She giggled. "Don't worry the changer is in you drink. You all will be a different age then what you are now." Parrot smiled.

"Hooray we gonna be taller!" Parrot cheered. We went to our rooms to await the change.

Growing up really wasn't that hard.

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