
Minda's Story Part 6

Today was the day we escaped from prison.

It all started out normally until our training begain. It was outside,this would be two times this week. Something had to be up. One outside we meet Ryo and bird girl or as I now nicknamed her Parrot. We all waited quietly hoping that this wasn't gonna get bad.

Cross held my hand and squeezed it abit. I looked at him confused but he was looking foreward. I went back to looking foreward and squeezed his hand just to signal him that I was nervous. Later a white coat by the name of Jex came. Jex was thirty maybe fourty year old man with dark(super dark) brown hair and its long if I do say so myself.

I growled at him. Ryo had his teeth clenched and his hands in a fist, and Parrot was hiding behind me and Cross. Who was he and why where we mad at him?

He was the one who made us half human half animal.

His glasses wearing clumbsy co.-worker came out. Acually she was nice and sweet. I remember my first day here and she hugged me, talked, and even told me how great I was. Suddenly the place was filled with black smoke and everything was hazy. The co.worker dragged us out of there and into her car and drove away like a mad woman.

We where out of the lab.

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