
Minda's Story Part 5

I yawned tiredly and streached my arms out. I glanced at Cross's cage and he wasn't there! I got big eyed and i grew even paler then usual. The only hope in my life was gone completely gone. I cried yelling out but my mouth was dry and I couldn't say a thing. I sat in the middle of my cage hugging my knees hoping that Cross would be back soon. The hours seemed like forever but he finally came into the room. He sat in his cage quietly and then the white coats left the room shutting the door loudly behind them. I looked at Cross looked more freaked out then me at the moment he even looked like he was shaking. I moved my hand towards his and he hand was colder then it was usually.

"What happened Cross ?" I asked him. I mean there had to be a reason for him like that.

"There are more kids in this place like us. Changed to half human kids and even adults,...it was just so....so....so...scary." Others...people who where hlaf animal too. I was happy we wheren't the only half human half kid people in this place but I was also afraid. Why would they do all of this to us? I patted his hand eventually he stopped shaking and smiled at me.

I had the old Cross back.

After the days "chores" where over we got out of our cages(thanks to Mr.Jingle Pants) and hugged one another tightly. We explored the jungle(white jungle) of the labs. We found some of the other kids who where also trapped and tested here. I remember one boy had dark red hair and was part dog. It was pretty cool how good he was with smells. His name was Number 1299754 but we named him Ryo, since Ryo sounded close to red. There was another one she was adorable at least five and was part bird. Her wings where so soft and colorful.

We dashed back to our room hiding against the walls at times from the horriable white coats. We got back before dawn of course. (We are just that great.) The next day would be the day we would leave this white, nightmarish prison.

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