
Minda's Story Part 16

All the next day I avioded Cross although he kept having to help me since I either tripped or fell and Cross had to help me get back on my feet. It was really embressing and I think some of the girls where giving me the evil eye.o_o Although Ryo shot them a evil look of his own and they ran off scared. Note to self: Thank Ryo later. Today was the last day of this damned school and I was glad we where leaving tomarrow espically since the white coats knew where we were.

Stupid whitecoats ruin everything! Oh you know its true! Back at Alice's house waiting for the others so we could talk about our leaving. Ryo was the first to come into the room.

"Welcome." He sat beside me showing some saddness. "Hum whats wrong," I questioned him.

"I saw you and Cross kissing in the woods." He sounded sad and calm at the same time. I blushed and looked away.

"Yeah...but I mean it didn't mean anything." I raised my head up high trying not only to coninve him but myself as well.

"Really?" Ryo's eyes went big. I nodded smiling reasuring him what I said was true. Ryo leaned in close to my face making me blush. "Your sure it didn't mean anything?" I nodded scooting back abit. Ryo leaned in and kissed me. First Cross now Ryo someone help me now!!!!

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