
Minda's Story Part 15

For the past week me and Cross loaded up supplies for just in case reasons. Hunters, White coats, and whatever else might be chasing us. We hid all the backpacks of supplies in a near by cave. It was good to talk to Cross I mean it was fun and all messing with him but somehow I didn't feel the same not talking to him.
Monday, the day we planned to tell the others about our plan to leave Alice's place. It hurt knowing we would have to leave heaven but it would be for best for all of us.
Now back at school waiting for the day to end. You know what I think we should leave sooner then planned because school or really really (did I say REALLY) boring. I don't think i'll miss school to much once we leave.
When the final bell rang I was out! Haha bye suckers! I caught up to Cross, Ryo, and Parrot on the sidewalk near school.
Hey you yes you! Have you ever have that feeling like your being watched? Can you bet what i'm feeling right now? Course you can your the reader!
There was a strange black van following us. I tapped Cross's shoulder letting him know that I felt like we where about to be attacked. Of course right at that moment white coats came out of the van and tryed to get us.
"Scatter!" Cross yelled over the mayhem. As a white coat came over to grab me I jumped on his back and hopped off of it. Running behind Cross. We ran until we where in Alice's woods.
I could tell Ryo and Parrot had been here because their tracks where still here. We gasped for breath.
"Hey Minda." Cross said puffing.
"Yeah?" I said triedly.
"Would you mind if I did something?" He asked leaning against a tree.
"Na go ahead." I never knew what he was going to do but I assumed it wasn't what he was going to do. He placed his thumb under my chin lifting it up and kissed me on the lips. I swear I think I blushed two shades of red that day.

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