
Minda's Story Part 14

Saturday! ^(^_^)^ Yes! Oh how I loved today! Alice wanted to get to know us alittle better so she asked us what our favorie color was. Parrot answered green, Ryo said red (ironic huh), I answered blue, next was Cross. Parrot cleared her throat and mimiced his voice exactly.

"Brown." It was loud and clear. Me and Ryo looked at each other and laughed our head off. Parrot was smiling gleefully and Cross was staring at her all pale faced. Alice was looking at Cross. Bawahahaha! Minda:2 Cross:Zero

After lunch Cross and Ryo got into a fight nearly killing each other. By the end of the fight Ryo had a cut over his left eye, his knee scraped, a bloody nose, and his cheeck scratched. I had bandage up Cross. His right arm was bleeding and cut, claw marks on his left cheeck, and a huge claw mark on his back.

"There you go all better." I patted his back gently. Cross looked so sad just then all my guilt flooded back to me. I begain to cry. Cross went wide eyed and I guess he started to panic on the inside cause he just looked at me shocked. He pulled me to him and hugged me tightly.

"I wouldn't of fought Ryo if I knew it made you sad like this." I laughed abit. Cross looked at me funny.

"I wasn't sad about that its just I saw you and that girl and I didn't like it is all." Cross blushed abit.

"Yeah sorry about that. I don't like her I just didn't know what to do...." He said trailing off. I smiled and hugged him. He jumped in pain. I let go. "Hey no worries its a good pain." So we hugged again. Little did we know Parrot was watching.

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