
Minda's Story Part 13

At home Cross tried talking to me but I ignored him pretending he wasn't even alive. To tell you the truth I felt guilty each time I ignored him. I thought I would get the guilt off my chest by telling Parrot. I went to Parrot's room all sad like. Parrot knew I was sad and treid to cheer me up with her Curious George monkey which she named Jojo. So I told her about him and that girl kissing and me in the bathroom.

Parrot patted my head (manly my ears). The next day Parrot kept bugging Cross usually with her wings or by poking him. Parrot was whispering to Ryo. Ryo seemed really mad after Parrot stopped whispering to him. The rest of the day Ryo was ignoring Cross also. It was strange. Maybe I should do something. Nah. I was going to let Cross suffer abit more I make them stop.

Haha take that Cross!

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