
Minda's Story Part 18

Heading for Nevada.

Its not fun when you have two people yelling at each other. I swear some people will never grow up.

"Shut up please!" Ryo and Cross stopped yelling at one another. Finally some piece and quiet. I wish I didn't have Parrot on air patrol but you can never be to careful with the whitecoats knowing what our "grown up" selves looked like.

I was now staring at a U.S. map. It had small print it was hard to read. I should of took more reading lessons from Alice.

"Someone is comming hide your ears and tail." He hid out ears and tail like we did in school. It was a human scent not at all like the whitecoats awful smell. A boy with a black trench coach,blonde hair,holely jeans and a plain white shirt come out from the bushes.

"Ow..."He rubbed his head then he looked around at all of us like we where the freaks in this situation. He bowed and held his hands with mine.

"What is a girl like you going out here alone?" He stared at me right in the eyes.

" I'm not alone...."He looked at the others.

"So you aren't.Neither the less I'll proctect you." Ryo was growling at him. Cross was trying to hold Ryo back. I assumed Parrot was up in the air looking like a bird in the sky. The boy got hit upside the head with someone's elbow.

"No flirting E remember we have a misson to be doing." The girl who hit him was wearing a black dress it had lace at the end of the shirt sleeves and the bottom of the dress. Her brown hair stopped on her shoulders.

"I know I know sorry Kat."

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