
Minda's Story Part 19

On the road, once again with to strangers claiming they are here to protect us. Kept the one called E tied up Cross and Ryo guarding him. Parrot still scanned the sky as told.The other I left free she didn't seem like a threat. Not to us at least. She was a ball of sunshine and only hurt E which was weird I started to wonder if they where exs or brother or sister. Ryo was walking beside me after a while I guess bored of E. "Heya M, whata doin?" I smiled glad he sounded like his age for once then I glanced at the map. "Being Leader, leading us somewhere hopefully somewhere safe."
He smiled and looked at the map leaning in close to me. I blushed remembering him kissing me...remembering the tingly afterwords and my racing heart. I moved forward trying to get that out of my head.I had no time for romance not now not ever.
Ryo looked at me confused and I kept walking faster till I was far away from the group and I sighed. I really wished I was normal then maybe just maybe I could have a boyfriend but no instead i'm cursed to run like an animal being chased by white coated perverts who won't stop sticking their nose in our buisness.
My plan? Simple. Destroy their base lets the other subjects go and live a nice life with Alice.
It'll work.

Won't it?

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