
Minda's Story Part 20

Outside the lab.
Did I mention its inside a really really big hole? Well it is. We all stood at the edge watching the white coats running around there little sand box.
E looked at the map seeing where all the entrances where Parrot took off getting as better look of what the heck was around us. Basic summary for you.
Sand, sand, even more sand, white coats and lastly some grey building with smaller buildings around the biggest one.
"Alright one of us should go in then come back giving all of us info so the rest of us can break in no problem." I nodded argeeing with E for once. When we untied i'm not sure since i've been walking around half asleep since we got closer to the dang place. Parrot flew back landing beside us.
She told us everything she say from the sky and me and E came up with a plan to send Ryo in him find a way to get us in. He was fast able to run away faster then the rest of us plus he could fight well from what I could tell.
It slowly turned dark and Ryo was gone we had all fell asleep when we awoke we where back in cages.
Ryo please help us!

1 comment:

  1. Elijah want to be in your story (you didn;t hear it from me
    ryoxminda 4eva!
