
Minda's Story Part 21

We where all in our cells handcuffed to the bars of our prison. I growled at the men in white coats as they went by. They poked us with needles all day long. It hurt and whatever was inside those needles burned like hell. I hissed and snarled at them always putting up a fight no matter what they did to me. I wouldn't dare let them see me crack and the group followed my example.
"Give this one the red shot." A white coat and the other one nodded. Enough was enough. The man leaned his hand toward me and I bite him nice and hard. He started to bleed and I tasted it in my mouth. The white coat smacked me hard and another white coat smacked him harder then that man smacked me. The white coat that smacked the other looked strangely fimilar.
"Don't hit the subjects." Awhile after most of the white coats left expect for the one that hit the other one. I watched him closely. He made a hand motion that I usually make to tell the group "I'll be back".
After that he smiled at me and left the room. The lights went out and I cried silently to myself.
Ryo where are you?


Minda's Story Part 20 Ryo's Point of Veiw

I went down into the hole. I hide out near a alley with barrels that where lined up against the wall of a grey building that blended in with the rest of the buildings. Slowly the day turned into night. The full moon shone over my head giving some light out the paths to each building. White coats went back and forth all over the place.
Now I needed to find Minda and the rest of them. Cages where rolled out of a building and into another one. As it went by I got a glance at the people in them. My eyes widen in horror as they rolled past me.
Parrot, Cross, Minda, E, and Fran where all cages ears, tail, and wings showing. My ears folded back watching them go past me. My stomach sank then flipped over three times. I felt sick like I might throw up.
I clenched my fists and swore I'd free them. I scurried after them the best I could without letting the white coats see me as I moved. Soon that failed. A flashlight shone on me.
"You what are you doing here." I growled at him showing my sharp teeth then I pounced on him sitting on his stomach punching his nose. He lay on the ground bloody and out cold.
I have anger issues it seems.
I dragged the white coat to an alley way. I slowly took off his clothes and threw him into one of the barrels shutting the top on it. Didn't need him following me later on.
I pushed up his glasses up to my eyes which made things blurry.
I slowly walked off and moved around with a flashlight.
Don't worry I'll save you all.


Minda's Story Part 20

Outside the lab.
Did I mention its inside a really really big hole? Well it is. We all stood at the edge watching the white coats running around there little sand box.
E looked at the map seeing where all the entrances where Parrot took off getting as better look of what the heck was around us. Basic summary for you.
Sand, sand, even more sand, white coats and lastly some grey building with smaller buildings around the biggest one.
"Alright one of us should go in then come back giving all of us info so the rest of us can break in no problem." I nodded argeeing with E for once. When we untied i'm not sure since i've been walking around half asleep since we got closer to the dang place. Parrot flew back landing beside us.
She told us everything she say from the sky and me and E came up with a plan to send Ryo in him find a way to get us in. He was fast able to run away faster then the rest of us plus he could fight well from what I could tell.
It slowly turned dark and Ryo was gone we had all fell asleep when we awoke we where back in cages.
Ryo please help us!


Minda's Story Part 19

On the road, once again with to strangers claiming they are here to protect us. Kept the one called E tied up Cross and Ryo guarding him. Parrot still scanned the sky as told.The other I left free she didn't seem like a threat. Not to us at least. She was a ball of sunshine and only hurt E which was weird I started to wonder if they where exs or brother or sister. Ryo was walking beside me after a while I guess bored of E. "Heya M, whata doin?" I smiled glad he sounded like his age for once then I glanced at the map. "Being Leader, leading us somewhere hopefully somewhere safe."
He smiled and looked at the map leaning in close to me. I blushed remembering him kissing me...remembering the tingly afterwords and my racing heart. I moved forward trying to get that out of my head.I had no time for romance not now not ever.
Ryo looked at me confused and I kept walking faster till I was far away from the group and I sighed. I really wished I was normal then maybe just maybe I could have a boyfriend but no instead i'm cursed to run like an animal being chased by white coated perverts who won't stop sticking their nose in our buisness.
My plan? Simple. Destroy their base lets the other subjects go and live a nice life with Alice.
It'll work.

Won't it?


Minda's Story Part 18

Heading for Nevada.

Its not fun when you have two people yelling at each other. I swear some people will never grow up.

"Shut up please!" Ryo and Cross stopped yelling at one another. Finally some piece and quiet. I wish I didn't have Parrot on air patrol but you can never be to careful with the whitecoats knowing what our "grown up" selves looked like.

I was now staring at a U.S. map. It had small print it was hard to read. I should of took more reading lessons from Alice.

"Someone is comming hide your ears and tail." He hid out ears and tail like we did in school. It was a human scent not at all like the whitecoats awful smell. A boy with a black trench coach,blonde hair,holely jeans and a plain white shirt come out from the bushes.

"Ow..."He rubbed his head then he looked around at all of us like we where the freaks in this situation. He bowed and held his hands with mine.

"What is a girl like you going out here alone?" He stared at me right in the eyes.

" I'm not alone...."He looked at the others.

"So you aren't.Neither the less I'll proctect you." Ryo was growling at him. Cross was trying to hold Ryo back. I assumed Parrot was up in the air looking like a bird in the sky. The boy got hit upside the head with someone's elbow.

"No flirting E remember we have a misson to be doing." The girl who hit him was wearing a black dress it had lace at the end of the shirt sleeves and the bottom of the dress. Her brown hair stopped on her shoulders.

"I know I know sorry Kat."


Minda's Story Part 17

Once the meeting ended I talked to Parrot to get everything out you know I never thought she should understand it anyways. She just nodded like a little girl should at least at her age. Mid-night came around and I told out plan to run away which she quickly understood. She was going to help us in the morning to leave we would have one last breakfeast together before leaving. Which was fine by me one more hot meal before we go.

Woke up put on my favorite outfit and trotted downstairs to see everyone ready which made me feel like a spring daisy. The whole morning was full of crammed mouthfuls,nagging,and laughing. Hey you out there take a guess on whats going to happen next. I'll give you some time to think about it.

Alright times up.

After everything was done and we where starting to head off the white coats showed up. Why can't they leave us the heck alone! Ryo growled and stepped infront of me to protect me.

"Split!" Just one word the gang was split and running past the white coats heading for the cave. Did I mention I love being part cat? Well I do. I got past them easyly and they couldn't keep up with us I was sort of glad I had the maze training now. I lost the white coats half way though the maze like forrest and was the second to arrive in the cave.

Of course Parrot beat me hello wings!

When everyone arrived I counted heads to be sure and Cross stared at Ryo. Did they hate each other? And Why was I talking to myself again? The world may never know.


Random PICTURES!!!

New possiable love interst or stalker? Cross and Ryo Fighting over Minda(Fail btw)
CrossXMinda (not very romantic is he?)

(Awww >3<)

(We all know this only happens in E'd dreams because Kat always bets him up)

Please exuse all spelling errors I know they are bad.